23rd February 2022 Extraordinary Council Meeting
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Mareham le Fen Parish Council which will be held on WEDNESDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 2022 commencing at 7.15pm in the Lancaster Hall, Mareham le Fen Community Centre. The Chair has decided that there are matters that need to be discussed and agreed that cannot wait until the next parish council meeting. Parish Council business must be conducted in a public meeting (except for items deemed to be confidential and not in the public interest). Items to be discussed are shown in the agenda. Face covering are not mandatory but are welcome.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please send your apologies to the Clerk with reasons.
PRESS AND PUBLIC WELCOME. There will not be a public forum at the start of this meeting. However, members of the public and representatives of organisations and groups who have an interest or wish to discuss matters listed in the agenda will have an opportunity to contribute as indicated in this agenda. The chair of the meeting may limit the amount of time that each person may speak. Members of the public may not speak during the Parish Council meeting unless the Chair of the meeting allows this.
Signature: A. Everard, Clerk to the Council Date: 18.2.22
1. Welcome and Comments from the Chair
2. Apologies for absence with reason given
3. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any dispensations
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form. Councillors may not take part or vote on items they have a pecuniary interest in unless granted a dispensation. Councillors should inform the Clerk in writing before or at the start of the meeting if they wish to seek a dispensation.)
4. Receive minutes from the informal Jubilee Group
5. To suspend standing orders to be able to discuss with the Jubilee Group, members of the public and representatives of organisations and groups about,
a) the events that may take place and other activities as well as other options for commemorating the Platinum Jubilee in Mareham le Fen village and parish area,
b) financial and organising options may include making a donation to a formal charity group, a voluntary group, or a village organisation with suitable insurance and a bank account to lead on this project or alternatively forming a new standing committee of the parish council (to which non-parish councillors can join).
Standing orders to be reinstated at the end of this item.
6. To approve a donation to a suitable group or organisation or to approve terms of reference for a Jubilee Committee Mareham le Fen Parish Council (depending on the outcome of discussions in Item 5).
7. To approve a budget for the Platinum Jubilee Commemorations and to consider and approve any payments that need to be made to suppliers/contractors for agreed Jubilee events.
8. To agree next steps and actions that need to be planned or taken in the lead up to the Jubilee events.
9. Chair’s closing remarks.