27th September 2022 Cemetery Committee
Dear Councillors
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Cemetery Committee of Mareham le Fen Parish Council which will be held on TUESDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 2022 commencing at 7.30pm in Spitfire, Mareham le Fen Community Centre. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
If you cannot attend the meeting please send your apologies to the Clerk with reasons.
There will NOT be a public forum at the start of this meeting however this meeting will take place in public and members of the public and the media are welcome to observe.
Signature: Clerk to the Council Date: 22.09.22
1. Election of Chair of the Cemetery Committee (first meeting after the Annual Meeting)
2. Apologies for absence with reason given and approval if appropriate.
3. Declaration of Committee Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any dispensations (Disclosure by all committee members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda. Committee Members may not take part or vote on items they have a pecuniary interest in unless granted a dispensation. Standing Orders apply).
4. To consider and note the Terms of Reference for the Cemetery Committee.
5. To approve the minutes of 24th March 2022 Cemetery Committee meeting
6. To receive any feedback regarding the Cemetery Regulations and approve any amendments required.
7. To receive update on the purchase of the Cemetery extension purchase and to consider options for the works associated with the Heads of Terms including the fencing of the purchased area with stock-proof fencing immediately on purchase.
8. To consider the groundwater testing results and Tier 1 Groundwater Report and to consider the next steps and approve payment of the contractor’s invoice.
9. To consider and approve options for mapping the cemetery, digitising the cemetery records and public access and procurement of suitable products.
10. To approve fireproof storage of cemetery and burial records as recommended by the internal auditor
11. To establish a memorial testing working group to complete safety testing during 2022.
12. To consider options for maintaining biodiversity and well-maintained grass areas.
13. To consider and approve any cemetery and burial training requirements.
14. To consider and approve mole management in the cemetery.
15. To consider development of cemetery leaflets (Exclusive Rights of Burial, Memorials)
16. To consider and approve purchase of a noticeboard for the cemetery and location of the parish council name sign.
17. To receive any feedback from councillors, users of the cemetery and residents and other correspondence regarding the cemetery and items for future Cemetery Committee meetings.