19th January 2022 Council Meeting
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Mareham le Fen Parish Council which will be held on WEDNESDAY 19TH JANUARY 2022 commencing at 7.15pm in the Lancaster Hall, Mareham le Fen Community Centre. Current Covid restrictions mean that face coverings are mandatory in indoor public settings. Parish Council business must be conducted in a face to face meeting. Items to be discussed are shown in the agenda.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please send your apologies to the Clerk with reasons.
PRESS AND PUBLIC WELCOME. There will be a public forum at this meeting starting at 7.15pm when parishioners may ask questions or raise issues of local interest with the parish council for the first 15 minutes of the meeting. The chair of the meeting may limit the amount of time that each person may speak. The Council meeting will commence at the end of the public forum. Members of the public may not speak during the meeting unless the Chair of the meeting allows this.
Signature: A. Everard Clerk to the Council Date: 14.1.22
1. Comments from the Chair
2. Apologies for absence with reason given
3. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form. Councillors may not take part or vote on items they have a pecuniary interest in unless granted a dispensation).
4. To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote. Councillors should send their request by email (or on arrival) to the Clerk before the meeting.)
5. To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 12th January 2022.
6. To consider any matters arising from the minutes of 24th November 2021, 5th January 2022 and 19th January 2022 not already on this agenda.
6. To consider the Statutory Recommendation and Public Interest Report issued by PKF Littlejohn LLP (external auditors) in accordance with Schedule 7 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.
7. To appoint LALC to provide an internal auditor from its panel for 2021-22 financial year and to pay the audit fee.
8. To adopt the draft Standing Orders and Financial Regulations circulated prior to the meeting with immediate effect.
9. To approve the remit for a Staffing/Employment Committee and to appoint three councillors.
10. To approve the budget for 2022-23 financial year.
11. To approve the Council’s precept for 2022-23 financial year.
12. To consider and comment on any local planning matters
- S/114/01622/21 - LAND AT MOAT FARM, WATERY LANE, MAREHAM LE FEN - Planning Permission - Erection of 10no. dwellings with associated garages and construction of a vehicular access. Existing agricultural buildings on site to be demolished.
- S/114/02220/21 - LAND ADJACENT CROESO, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN - Detailed Particulars relating to the erection of 30 no. detached bungalows with attached garages, (outline planning permission S/114/2315/17 which was for Outline erection of 32no. dwellings (with means of access to be considered) granted on the 23 October 2018.
13. To consider and approve financial payments detailed on the payments schedule and to receive an update on the bank mandate.
14. To consider ideas and proposals for commemorating the Queen’s Jubilee.
14. To receive updates and approve any action to be taken on
a) Cemetery
b) Benches
c) Bus Shelters
d) Noticeboards
e) Village grass-cutting and hedges
f) Purchase or leasing of land and property
g) Parish council’s website.
15. To consider any Highways issues.
16.To approve the following draft policies; Councillor Expenses, Data Protection, Freedom of Information, Training and Development, Recording and filming Council and Committee Meetings.
17. To note items of correspondence for information and decide on items for future action.
18. To meet and consider any applicants for co-option to the parish council following the Co-option Policy and Procedure.
19. To consider and receive details about any other parish matters and items for the next agenda.
20. Date of next meeting – 16th February 2022.