The Mareham le Fen Parish Council comprises the following personnel:

Position Incumbent Contact Details
Chair Councillor Mel Percival Via the Clerk
Vice-Chair Councillor Luke Thomas Via the Clerk
Member Councillor William Gray Via the Clerk
Member Councillor Martin Foster Via the Clerk
Member Councillor Vicki Fleet Via the Clerk
Member Seat Vacant Interested in joining the Parish Council? Contact the Clerk
Member Seat Vacant Interested in joining the Parish Council? Contact the Clerk.
Member Seat Vacant Interested in joining the Parish Council? Contact the Clerk.
Member Seat Vacant Interested in joining the Parish Council? Contact the Clerk.
Clerk Mr Andrew Everard

Linghall Farm, New York, Lincoln LN4 4YG

T:  07936866820

Communication Channels  

Whatsapp: 07936866820


Twitter: @MarehamleFenPC