5th February 2025
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Mareham le Fen Parish Council which will be held on WEDNESDAY 5TH FEBRUARY 2025 commencing at 4.45pm at Mareham le Fen Community Centre. Parish Council business must be conducted in public (except for items deemed to be confidential and not in the public interest) but it is not a public meeting. Items to be discussed are shown in the agenda.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please send your apologies to the Clerk with reasons.
PRESS AND PUBLIC WELCOME. Members of the public may not speak during the Parish Council meeting unless the Chair of the meeting allows this.
Signature: A. Everard Clerk to the Council Date: 31/01/2025
1. Welcome by the Chair of the Council
2. Apologies for absence with reason given
3. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and requests for dispensations (Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form. Councillors may not take part or vote on items they have a pecuniary interest in unless granted a dispensation. Requests for a dispensation should be sent to The Clerk by email or at the start of the meeting).
4. To receive the draft minutes to be approved as the minutes of the meeting held on 20th November 2024 and to note the Clerk’s Report.
5. To consider and approve financial matters
a) To approve expenditure on the payments schedule.
b) To note the bank statement balances and bank reconciliation.
c) To consider the budget 2025/26.
d) To consider the precept 2025/26.
6. To consider creation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee and its Terms of Reference.
7. To consider amendments to Financial Regulations and delegated powers.
8. To consider applications for cemetery memorials.
9. To consider and approve purchase of Speed Indicator Device poles in Mareham le Fen.
10. To approve date of Annual Parish Meeting, future ordinary meetings of the Parish Council 2025 and dates of committee meetings.
11. Training Bookings to be approved.
12. Date of the next meeting and items to be added to the agenda.