30th January 2025

Dear Councillors,

You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Mareham le Fen Parish Council which will be held on THURSDAY 30th JANUARY 2025 commencing at 4.45pm at Mareham le Fen Community Centre preceded by a public participation period starting at 4.30pm. Parish Council business must be conducted in public (except for items deemed to be confidential and not in the public interest) but it is not a public meeting.  Items to be discussed are shown in the agenda.

If you cannot attend the meeting, please send your apologies to the Clerk with reasons.

PRESS AND PUBLIC WELCOME.  There will be a public participation period at this meeting starting at 430pm.  Parishioners may ask questions or raise issues of local interest with the parish council for up to 15 minutes.  The chair of the meeting may limit the amount of time that each person may speak.  The formal Council business will commence at the end of the public forum if it finishes earlier and is quorate. Members of the public may not speak during the Parish Council meeting unless the Chair of the meeting allows this.           

Signature:  A. Everard    Clerk to the Council                   Date: 26/01/2025


1. Welcome by Chair of the Parish Council

2.  Apologies for absence with reason given

3. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and requests for dispensations (Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form. Councillors may not take part or vote on items they have a pecuniary interest in unless granted a dispensation. Requests for a dispensation should be sent to The Clerk by email or at the start of the meeting).

4. To receive the draft minutes to be approved as the minutes of the meetings held on 7th November 2024.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of 7th November 2024 and Clerk’s updates not already on this agenda.

6. ELDC and LCC councillors invited to make verbal or written reports on local matters.

7. To consider and comment with material considerations on any local planning matters as a statutory consultee and to note decisions made by East Lindsey District Council

  • S/114/00477/23 - MEMORIAL LAWN, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN, PE22 7RL - Outline erection of 2no. dwellings - to receive and respond to any updates.
  • S/114/01536/24 & S/114/01537/24 - INGLENOOK, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN, BOSTON, PE22 7QJ - Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent - Alterations to existing dwelling which is a listed building to provide a replacement timber workshop (works complete) – APPROVED
  • S/114/00084/25 - TRELAWNEY, FEN LANE, MAREHAM LE FEN, BOSTON, PE22 7SD - Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and to include the provision of dormer windows - NEW
  • S/114/01809/22 - LAND EAST OF SHERATON, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN - Planning Permission - Erection of 27 no. dwellings and construction of a vehicular access – APPEAL  being considered by Planning Inspectorate.

8. To consider draft parish council newsletter.

9.To consider and approve any adoption and maintenance costs of defibrillators located in the village.

10. Highways

a) To consider LCC Highways faults and issues, consultations, Fix My Street and other highway matters.

b) To consider purchase of Speed Indicator Device(s) and locations.


11.  To consider and approve financial matters

a) To approve expenditure on the payments schedule.

b) To note the bank statement balances and bank reconciliation.

c) To consider the budget 2025/26

d) To consider the precept 2025/26

12. To consider applications for cemetery memorials.

13. To approve date of Annual Parish Meeting and future ordinary meetings of the Parish Council 2025.

14.  Training Bookings to be approved.

15. To receive and note correspondence from LALC ENews (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); LCC Town and Parish News and ELDC Town and Parish E-News (monthly); ELDC Messenger; ELDC Media releases; LCC NHT Surveys; East Lindsey Investment Fund: 2025-6 LCF GRASSroots Scheme Now Open to Applications (24.1.25); East Midlands in Bloom Seminar – 26/2/2025 1pm Northampton £8 per head.

16. To approve participation in the RHS East Midlands In Bloom ‘Best-Kept Village’ competition 2025 and next steps.

17. To consider appointments to external bodies, groups and to receive reports.            

18. Date of the next meeting to be approved and items to be added to the agenda.