23rd February 2022 Minutes
Minutes of Mareham le Fen Extraordinary Parish Council meeting 23rd February 2022 at 7.15pm held at Mareham le Fen Community Centre
Present: Cllrs M. Percival (Chair), P. Bourn, S.Millen, P.Chilvers, D.Hill (Vice Chair).
Clerk: A. Everard
Members of the public present: 10
59/22 Welcome and Comments from the Chair
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained when they would be able to speak during the meeting.
60/22 Apologies for absence with reason given
None. All present
61/22 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any dispensations
None declared. No dispensations requested.
62/22 Receive minutes from the informal Jubilee Group
The Clerk and Chair had been sent a copy of notes from the informal Jubilee meetings that certain groups and organisations had been present. As not all members had received a copy the Chair went through them. The main points were that various informal bookings had been made to get entertainment booked and funds were needed to secure them if events were going to take place in Mareham le Fen during the Jubilee weekend as no other fundraising had taken place and no other source but the parish council had been identified.
Certain ideas had also been put forward including increasing parking, a commemorative coin, a flagpole, getting the school involved, local businesses sponsoring or providing prizes or products and competitions being held.
63/22 To suspend standing orders to be able to discuss with the Jubilee Group, members of the public and representatives of organisations and groups about,
a) the events that may take place and other activities as well as other options for commemorating the Platinum Jubilee in Mareham le Fen village and parish area,
b) financial and organising options may include making a donation to a formal charity group, a voluntary group, or a village organisation with suitable insurance and a bank account to lead on this project or alternatively forming a new standing committee of the parish council (to which non-parish councillors can join).
It was proposed by Cllr Bourn and seconded by Cllr Millen and approved
RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to discuss the Jubilee with members of the public present.
The Clerk informed council that they had resolved to make a donation of £400 to the primary school at their last meeting for Jubilee commemoration mugs for the pupils. The Clerk also outlined the powers that permitted the parish council to organise an event to commemorate the Jubilee if they decided to do so. (Power to facilitate a function, power to facilitate a religious or similar event, power to provide information, power to encourage visitors and power to provide entertainment - Local Government Act 1972 Ss. 111, 138B, 142, 144, 145.)
The Chair, Clerk and Cllr Bourn reported comments and communications that had been received asking the parish council not to put any council tax payer funds towards Jubilee events which should be noted and taken into account before any decisions were made.
Opening the discussion to proposals put forward from the public included a flag pole. Discussions took place about potential location, possible noise disturbance, responsibility, speed of delivery and if planning permission required. Community Centre representatives decided to consider this at their next meeting.
Issues that came up in discussions included that the Community Centre and the bar area will be open for Pims and scones, groups that would probably be able to put on a display might include taekwondo, line dancing, archery and more were being sought.
It was brought to the attention of the meeting that the Royal Oak had already booked a bouncy castle and a BBQ and questions were asked if the community group were working with the private sector owner to ensure there was support rather than conflict over events as people could not be everywhere.
It was discussed if people could bring a picnic to have on The Green so that it was a family event and open to everyone. Similarly it was proposed that holding a ‘scarecrow weekend’ could involve all households around the parish and also to arrange a Treasure Hunt open to all. Children could be involved through a fancy dress competition and enquiries would be made to see if pony rides could be provided. The need to do risk assessments was raised. There was no desire to light a beacon or bonfire simply because of the high risks involved. Jubilee bunting would need to be purchased soon.
There would be a need for a newsletter to go out to households shortly. (The parish council plan to do a newsletter in April in time for that month’s meeting).
It was noted that organising any event it would have to be completed by end of May realistically so there was little time.
The Chair asked that the meeting started to focus on what was possible and to come up with a potential programme of events. These items were proposed.
Thursday 2nd June
- Start of the Scarecrow weekend
- Ring Church bells at 9.15pm
- A ‘community clap’ standing outside your front door and applauding HM The Queen’s 70 years on the throne.
Friday 3rd June
- Scarecrow weekend
- Treasure Hunt – sheet of questions and for those submitting it with correct answers would be added to a hat and the winner drawn from all correct entries.
- Plant a tree – Cllr Bourn will contact the developers to see if they might replace the recently lost commemorative tree.
- The Chair and Cllr Chilvers will approach the Royal Oak to see best way of supporting Jubilee events in parish
- Community Centre will consider it they could buy big games
- Prizes needed for Treasure Hunt so J.Loveridge would consider this.
There being no other matters to discuss it was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Chilvers to reinstate standing orders and it was approved.
RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders so parish council could resume.
64/22. To approve a donation to a suitable group or organisation or to approve terms of reference for a Jubilee Committee Mareham le Fen Parish Council (depending on the outcome of discussions in Item 5).
It was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Millen that Mareham le Fen Parish Council appoints a Jubilee Committee and methods of fundraising be considered and the Terms of Reference presented to the Council would permit non-councillors to be on the committee. On a show of hands it was approved.
RESOLVED to form a Jubilee Committee to plan the fundraising and Jubilee events for the parish with the circulated Terms of Reference adopted.
Cllrs Hill, Bourn and Millen were proposed to join by Cllr Bourn and seconded by Cllr Hill it was approved unanimously by a show of hands
RESOLVED Cllrs Hill, Bourn and Millen will join the Jubilee Committee.
It was proposed and seconded to suspend standing orders to seek non-councillors to join the committee and unanimously approved. Nominations were received from the floor
- J. Loveridge
- S. Auger
- C. Hazelwood
- J.Hazelwood
It was further proposed that the date of the first meeting of the Jubilee Committee would be Tuesday 15th March at 7pm at the Community Centre.
It was proposed to reinstate standing orders and seconded and unanimously approved and Cllr Chilvers proposed and Cllr Millen seconded and it was approved unanimously
RESOLVED that J.Loveridge, S.Auger, C Hazelwood and J. Hazelwood be appointed to the Jubilee Committee to meet to meet on 15th March at 7pm at the Community Centre.
65/22 To approve a budget for the Platinum Jubilee Commemorations and to consider and approve any payments that need to be made to suppliers/contractors for agreed Jubilee events.
A discussion took place about the budget for the Jubilee Committee and it was proposed that spending up to 31st March 2022 could not exceed £1,000 including the expenditure approved for the commemorative mugs by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Hill and approved by a unanimous show of hands
RESOLVED that budget for Jubilee items and events be increased to £1000 up to 31st March 2022.
The Clerk presented an invoice for Sparkle Entertainment for a deposit of £75. Cllr Bourn proposed and Cllr Hill seconded and unanimously approved
RESOLVED to pay £75.00 to Sparkle Entertainment to secure the booking.
66/22 To agree next steps and actions that need to be planned or taken in the lead up to the Jubilee events.
There were no other matters raised.
67/22 Chair’s closing remarks.
The Chair thanked everyone for attending and their contributions and it was now possible to plan for a Jubilee weekend that would hopefully bring the community together in celebration of HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
The meeting closed at 20.38.