19th April 2022 Jubilee Committee
Present: D.Hill (Chair), S.Millen, J Hazelwood, C Hazelwood, J. Loveridge, S. Augur
Clerk: A. Everard
Members of the public present: 2
JC11/22. Apologies for absence
Apologies received from P. Bourn (approved).
JC 12/22. Declaration of Committee Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any dispensations.
None were declared.
JC13/22 To approve the minutes of the meeting of 15th March 2022
Proposed by Cllr Millen and seconded by J. Hazelwood and approved and signed.
JC 14/22 To consider and approve the timetable of events for the Jubilee in the parish and ensure that relevant roles, duties, bookings and engagements have been made.
The committee discussed the current proposals and timetable
For the whole Jubilee weekend
- Scarecrow weekend – Patricia was already advertising this on Facebook and planned to have rosettes for the best and a caption competition also planned.
- The Community Centre website, Parish Council website and noticeboards will have details of what is on and where for anyone needing to look it up.
- A Village Trail and Quiz will be available to everyone to have a go filling in to be returned by 4pm Sunday afternoon at the Community Centre or to a Committee Member. Certificates to be presented. Maybe prizes.
- The church plan to be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Thursday June 2nd
- Church bells to be rung at 9.15pm to celebrate the 70 years HM The Queen has reigned and householders will be asked to come outside and join in a Community Clap – Cllr Millen will speak to the churchwardens about the bellringer to ensure it is confirmed – currently it looked like the church warden would ring if the regular bellringer was not available.
Sunday June 5th From 11am until 4pm
- Handsons – Hog Roast – booked. J. Hazelwood will confirm they are needed from 12noon.
- Sparkle Entertainment booked for a Family Disco in the evening
- Evergreens Miniature Railway hope to be present during the day and will provide a prize. Insurance being sorted out. The track will need to be down the night before and grass cut needed in advance of that so ground is level.
- ‘Guess the weight of the Dog’ competition planned to raise funds for charity.
- The Community Centre bar will be open for Pimms and Cream Teas from 12noon.
- LGM Events booked for bouncy castle and characters and some First Aid cover. Will need to check with LGM Events (Jake) what time available.
- Picnics on The Green will be encouraged throughout the whole event.
- WI appear willing to provide a stall – not clear if they need it inside or outside. Cllr Millen will check.
- Lincs Ark willing to take up a stall and will provide a raffle
- Garden Club confirmed.
- Cllr Millen is planning to have a traditional games area – Ski Ball, Bean Bag throwing, Stocks, Pig-Pelting, Splat the Rat, and is looking for suitable equipment for a ‘Hook a Duck’ game – some volunteers are required to supervise and control the area.
- Some volunteers may be needed to set up and clear up and maybe supervise areas during the event.
- P.Bourn has heard that RAF band will seek a stall.
- Lucky squares to be used to raise some funds for a donation towards a charity such as LIVES or the Air Ambulance.
More stalls will be obtained from the stallholders at the Craft Fair on 15th May at the Community Centre who may be available. Community Centre grounds will be available from 9am.
Community Centre tables and chairs will be available if needed.
It was not known at this meeting what was happening at the local pubs but J. Hazelwood will seek more information from them to see if there is any clashes and overlaps.
The Committee was very appreciative of the donation of two £10 off food and drink vouchers made by the Red Lion, Revesby to be used as a prize. M. Percival has also offered a voucher for a prize. Pecks will also donate a prize voucher.
A site meeting prior to the event will be required to decide the best locations for everything – J. Hazelwood will organise this.
J. Hazelwood will check if Taekwondo club will do a display.
Communication - A poster will be prepared to go into What’s On in MLF. The Community Centre noticeboards and website can be used and the parish council website is also available. Laminated posters to be prepared for distribution.
JC 15/22. To confirm the spending that needs to be incurred for the Jubilee events within the agreed budget provision.
Spending commitments so far were £275 Sparkle Entertainment and £140 for LGM Events. The parish council has also approved a grant to the primary school for the purchase of commemorative mugs for the pupils costing £449. Only additional spending required was for the purchase of some sweets for which a budget of £50 was required. Proposed J.Loveridge, seconded S.Augur and approved unanimously
RESOLVED to purchase sweets for prizes up the a budget limit of £50.
JC 16/22. To consider and agree the development of risk assessments for forthcoming events.
The Committee would expect external suppliers and groups to have their own insurance in place and risk assessments. The community centre and the parish council also had insurance in place. A formal risk assessment would need to be prepared prior to the events. As long as there was adequate supervision in place most activities would not appear to increase risks to individuals who take part. The Clerk circulated a risk assessment template that could be used.
JC 17/22. Any other Jubilee-related matters that need to be considered by this committee or by the parish council at this meeting or at forthcoming meetings.
Adequate parking and grass-cutting needed to have been undertaken in the Playing Field as long as it is available. This would be raised at Parish Council meeting as communication had been started with the Diocesan Surveyor.
The event would be added to the ELDC Jubilee map/website.
It was requested that the national anthem to be played at some point during the event – maybe once in the morning and at the end of the afternoon.
The Community Centre has got the Jubilee flags and bunting and an A-Frame board for advertising the event on the main road, etc
Cllr Hill will prepare an A3-sized poster for the event. J. Hazelwood will check if it is possible to use the advertising hoarding.
JC 18/22 Dates and times of the next committee meetings.
The date of the next meeting will be 17th May 7.00pm
The meeting closed at 20.45.