24th March 2022 minutes
Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council meeting 24th March 2022 at 8.30pm
held at Mareham le Fen Community Centre
Present: Cllrs M. Percival (Chair), D. Hill (Vice Chair), S. Millen and P. Bourn.
Clerk: A. Everard
Members of Public present: None
1. Apologies for absence with reason given
Cllr Chilvers had sent his apologies prior to the meeting and Cllr Percival proposed and Cllr Bourn seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to accept reason for Cllr Chilvers and his absence was approved.
2. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and requests for dispensations
None declared and no dispensations sought.
3. To receive the draft minutes to be approved as the minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2022.
The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and Cllr Hill proposed and Cllr Bourn seconded and it was unanimously approved RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes as the minutes of the meeting on 16th March 2022 and the Chair signed them.
4. To consider any matters arising from the minutes of 16th March not already on this agenda.
The Cemetery Committee had met prior to this meeting. All parish councillors were members of the committee and had approved new cemetery fees and new cemetery regulations, terms and condition with effect from 1st April 2022.
5. To approve payment schedule.
It was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Bourn and unanimously approved RESOLVED to approve the following payments.
A. Everard |
£359.39 |
Clerk’s Expenses |
£27.00 |
Training |
Staff costs |
£1133.58 |
Salaries, Arrears and HMRC taxes |
6. To approve purchase of benches and noticeboard.
Lincolnshire County Council needed the details of the proposed benches to approve a public highway licence to install them. The Clerk had obtained a refreshed quotation for the benches and the anchor kits. Cllr Millen proposed and Cllr Hill seconded and it was unanimously approved RESOLVED to proceed with purchase of Hyde Park Benches from NBB Recycled Furniture for £1,219 (ex VAT) subject to LCC approval and comments from the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting.
The Clerk had obtained quotations for noticeboards from various suppliers for consideration and has confirmed with the shop proprietor that it was acceptable. Cllr Millen proposed and Cllr Bourn seconded and it was unanimously approved RESOLVED, subject to consultation, to purchase from the Noticeboard Company a double door with two A1 frames – one for parish council use and one for community use – for £979 (ex VAT).
Installation costs would be additional and the Clerk would start the process to get quotations to complete the tasks.
6. To note and consider the 3-year financial plan.
The Clerk had started to look at this issue and there was increasing pressure from cost increases as a result of the grant of the three-year grass-cutting contracts, however, due to the increase in cemetery fees approved by the cemetery committee it should mean that the cemetery is self-funding for maintenance which will reduce some pressure on council finances. Additionally, the clerk would analyse all potential income sources to ensure they were maximised. There were some one-off investment costs that the council would need to take into account as they proceeded into the financial year.
7. To receive and consider the internal auditor’s report.
The comprehensive internal auditor’s report had been received by councillors and the employment of a competent clerk is or had resolved likely areas of concern. Parish Councillors asked that the Clerk minuted their thanks for the hard work put in to resolve potential weaknesses since his appointment as the internal auditor was satisfied that robust governance and financial processes were now in place.
8. To consider the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting including items to consult residents about.
The parish councillors discussed that Anglian Water representatives were going to be the main speaker with a question-and-answer session and the Chair of the parish council would also give their report and financial report. Local groups would be invited to give a verbal or written report. The parish council would seek views about the cemetery, benches and noticeboard and inform residents about the jubilee. Light refreshments could be provided. As a result of this meeting the following parish council meeting that evening after the APM could be quite short.
9. To receive the first draft of the parish council’s newsletter for distribution around the parish in April and consider delivery arrangements to the 400+ homes in the parish.
The Clerk outlined possible items for the newsletter including items covered in the previous minute and a statement from Gleesons regarding the cutting down of the commemorative tree. Councillors were happy to deliver the newsletter around the village if required.
10. To discuss potential options for the Playing Field and approve any actions to be taken.
The Clerk reminded parish councillors about the items registered with East Lindsey District Council as community assets and the date of renewal was coming up including the playing field. It was proposed by Cllr Bourn and seconded by Cllr Millen and unanimously approved RESOLVED for the Clerk to contact the Diocese of Lincoln to obtain an update about the Playing Field and to make arrangements to renew the community assets register for all items up for renewal.
11. To meet and consider any applicants for co-option to the parish council following the Co-option Policy and Procedure.
There were none to consider at this meeting. Councillors reflected on some interest from a member of the public at the last meeting and hoped that they would come forward. There are four vacancies on the parish council.
12. Date of next ordinary meeting – 20th April 2022 and the dates of any committees and extraordinary meetings planned.
The next meeting would be on 20th April after the Annual Parish Meeting concluded. Jubilee Committee would meet on 19th April and Cemetery Committee would meet on 12th May 2022.
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.10pm.