2nd November 2022 Playing Field Committee DRAFT
Playing Field Committee
2nd November 2022 7.30pm
Mareham le Fen Community Centre
Present: Cllrs P.Bourn, P.Chilvers, M. Percival
Not present: Cllrs K.Deane, D.Hill.
Clerk: A. Everard
1 member of the public present.
Public Forum
No issues raised.
- Election of Chair
Cllr Percival was proposed and seconded and unanimously RESOLVED Cllr Percival is the Chair of the Playing Field Committee.
- Apologies for absence received.
Cllr Deane and Cllr Hill sent apologies.
- Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and requests for dispensations
None declared.
- To approve the Terms of reference for the Playing Field Committee.
Draft terms of reference circulated prior to the meeting proposed Cllr Bourn, seconded Cllr Chilvers and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the Playing Field Committee Terms of Reference.
- To receive the offer of a lease to the Parish Council for the Playing Field
a) to discuss the terms and conditions,
Committee noted the offer of a 5-year lease for £1,500 a year rent, taking on the liabilities for maintenance and security of the field site, cutting of hedges, looking after ditches and the gate. It was not known what state the electrics were in and the state of the former football club changing rooms and toilet facilities. Grass-cutting would be a major cost of taking on the field. The contract is not what was requested in the first place. Council legal fees would be in the region of £1200-£1500. The Council would also have to pay the landowners similar legal fees.
b) to consider the information required and negotiations the council may wish to undertake with the landowner and their agent
The Committee would recommend to Council that the Clerk in consultation with the Chair of the Committee should start negotiations about the terms as there is a lot of risk involved. A counter offer may be £900 a year with no legal fees but maybe a willingness to see an incremental increase during the term of the lease.
c) consider the methods and results of consultation
The Committee were of the view that this commitment can only be taken on if there is willing support within the community to take it on so a period of consultation is necessary. The Committee would recommend to Council that the Clerk prepares a newsletter and includes in that an online survey for completion and some other methods to obtain the views of the community.
d) decide other steps the Council may consider necessary if a lease is to be agreed.
The Council may need to consider various options to make the Playing Field pay for itself, for example, 5-side, multi-use games area, finding sports clubs willing to use its facilities There is a risk of damage and anti-social behaviour being done to apparatus left on the field. The village may need to consider if they wish to form clubs to make best use of this facility and for the parish council to make it a going concern. Enquiries will be made to see how much grass-cutting will be on a regular basis.
- To consider and approve budgetary requirements for this Committee.
Committee recognised there was some financial risk to taking on the Playing Field lease. Councillors would need to assess the impact on the budget and precept. Legal fees may be £3000 plus £1500 a year plus other outgoings to bring the site up to a suitable standard.
Initially the committee wanted the Clerk to prepare a newsletter and survey and the recommended budget for this should be £300. This could include items about the Playing Field and some of the items completed by the council and looking ahead to the Coronation.
7. To note the progress of the Community Asset nomination with East Lindsey District Council.
ELDC have acknowledged the nomination for the Playing Field. It is hoped a decision should be made by the end of 2022.
8. To consider and approve legal matters and contracts if necessary.
Committee noted the £1200-£1500 quotation by the Council’s solicitors but no instructions to be given yet until consultation has been completed and a decision made by this committee and the parish council as a whole.