20th November 2024 DRAFT

Minutes of Parish Council meeting 20th November 2024 at 7.15pm

held at Mareham le Fen Community Centre

Present: Cllrs M.Percival (Chair)L. Thomas (Vice Chair), S.Singer, C.Whiley

Not Present: All present .

Clerk:    A. Everard

Members of Public present: Three

Public Forum

No issues raised


86/24. Welcome by the Chair of the Council

The Chair welcomed all present.

87/24.  Apologies for absence with reason given


88/24. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and requests for dispensations


89/24. To receive the draft minutes to be approved as the minutes of the meetings held on 7th November 2024.

Proposed Cllr Thomas, seconded Cllr Whiley and unanimously RESOLVED and signed by the Chair.

90/24. Matters arising from the minutes of 7th November and Clerk’s updates not already on this agenda.

The Clerk gave a short update but most items were covered on the agenda.

91/24. ELDC and LCC councillors invited to make verbal or written reports on local matters.

ELDC Cllr Foster reported that garden waste collection fees were increasing for next year.  LCC Cllr Gray reported that highways gritting teams were now operational, Lincoln Castle was going to be open during Christmas season and booking advised, hedging and trees also being provided by LCC.

91/24. Correspondence received: The parish council noted correspondence from LALC ENews (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); ICCM Law Commission Consultation Paper Reform online Briefings 28th November and 2nd December 3.30pm – 5pm; Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath Donation; LCC Let’s Talk Consultations invites; ELDC Scrutiny Panel questionnaire about Town and Parish Councils (agenda item); Lloyds Bank changes to bank accounts(agenda item); Emergency Planning event 28th November 2024 @ 6pm Lincoln; East Lindsey media releases.

92/24. Planning Matters There were no changes since the last meeting.  The Clerk advised that the response to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the appeal case had been submitted.

93/24.  Financial matters

a) To approve expenditure on the payments schedule.

Proposed Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Thomas and unanimously RESOLVED to pay the following

Royal British Legion Poppy appeal


For Wreath

D. Lawrence


For Grass-cutting

ID Verde Ltd


For Grass-cutting







b) To note the bank statement balances and bank reconciliation.

Council noted the balances current account £9985.00, deposit account £24,282.83.

c) To note the bank account charges and consider alternative providers and online banking.

Proposed Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Thomas and unanimously approved for the Clerk to look at alternative bank accounts now that Lloyds have introduced bank account fees including Unity Trust.

d) To consider the draft budget for 2025-26 financial year and items to be amended. 

The Clerk presented a draft budget and a line-by-line analysis was undertaken by the council.  It was also debated if donations could be sought to fund items such as a Speed Indicator Device and a defibrillator.  The Clerk will prepare a finalised draft budget for consideration at the January meeting.

94/24. a) To consider applications for cemetery memorials.


b) To consider methods for controlling moles in the cemetery.

A debate took place about the various methods available. The Clerk can make purchases under delegated powers when required.

c) To receive an update on the plans to increase biodiversity in the Cemetery. 

Council confirmed that they still wanted to create an area of uncut grass in the cemetery similar to the God’s Acre in the churchyard. The school may wish to propose a name for the area.

95/24. Highways

a) To consider the draft specification for grass-cutting and maintenance contract for the gathering of tenders.

Proposed Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Thomas and RESOLVED to delegate the production and distribution of the specification to the Clerk and to seek tenders for grass-cutting and hedge-cutting to the Clerk for the three-year period (2025, 2026 and 2027).

b) To receive updates, consider and approve spending, training preparation and volunteer co-ordination for Community Speed Watch.

No update.

c) To consider LCC Highways faults and issues, consultations, Fix My Street and other highway matters.

No issues were raised.

96/24. To consider potential locations for a Community Orchard and applying for an LCC grant for at least 5 trees by the deadline.

After debate the Clerk was advised to see if trees could be obtained for the Community Centre and hedges for the Cemetery although the deadline was passed.

97/24.  Training Bookings to be approved.

New Councillor induction dates discussed.

98/24. To approve parish council newsletter and distribution.

Proposed Cllr Whiley, seconded Cllr Singer that the following items were to be included defibrillators, East Midlands In Bloom, Community Speedwatch, Litter picking, traffic speeds in the village, FixMyStreet, Advice on Home Energy insulation grants, age-friendly ambassadors, warm places.

99/24. To consider appointments to external bodies, groups and to receive reports.            

The Play Area group still needed to get grant (s) to fund the equipment and grounds preparation.  The Parish Council could include an amount in the budget if requested.

100/24. To receive and consider updates on

a)         the purchase of the 0.22acres cemetery extension.

The Clerk reported the completion subject to Land Registry process being completed.

b)         Litter-picking – Mareham le Fen Wombles Group.

An item will be added to the newsletter.

c)         Participation in the RHS East Midlands In Bloom ‘Best-Kept Village’ competition and next steps.

Proposed Cllr Singer, seconded Cllr Thomas and unanimously RESOLVED to participate for 2025.

101/24. To consider responses to the ELDC scrutiny committee questionnaire about Town and Parish councils

Individual councillors will consider their responses and forward to the Clerk.

102/24. Date of the next meeting Wednesday 15th January 2025 and items to be added to the agenda.

Agenda will include approval of the budget and precept.