7th November 2024

Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting 7th November 2024 at 4.25pm

held at Mareham le Fen Community Centre

Present: Cllrs M.Percival (Chair), L.Thomas (Vice Chair), M.Foster. 

Not Present: Cllrs W.Gray, J. Knowles .

Clerk:    A. Everard

Members of Public present: Six

Public Forum

It was requested that a Speed Indicator Device be purchased for Main Street because it was alleged that cars were speeding through at 50-60mph.  The Chair advised this would go onto a future agenda. A case of fly-tipping was reported near the new housing developments now farmers were not taking care of the ditches. A broken street light on Fieldside was reported.  The resident was advised to report via FixMyStreet.com for a prompt response. A resident asked if drop kerbs were to be put in near the new housing developments for a future pedestrian crossing. Councillors advised they were not aware of any such plans.

68/24. Welcome by the Chair of the Council

Cllr Percival welcomed those present and reminded them that the parish council sought additional members as it could not lawfully meet without more parish councillors. 

69/24.  Apologies for absence with reason given

Cllr Gray and Knowles had apologised due to work and other commitments and noted.

70/24. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and requests for dispensations


71/24. To receive the draft minutes to be approved as the minutes of the meetings held on 15th May 2024 and 28th June 2024.

Proposed Cllr Thomas, Seconded Cllr Foster and unanimously approved and the Chair signed both.

72/24. Matters arising from the minutes of 15th May and 28th June and Clerk’s updates not already on this agenda.

The Clerk advised that there were no public inspection requests of the financial accounts and no questions raised through the External Auditor so financial year 2023-24 was closed.

73/24. To meet and consider any applicants for co-option to the parish council following the Co-option Policy and Procedure. 

Two applicants were considered and both introduced themselves to the parish council and answered questions. C.Whiley was proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Foster and unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt. S.Singer was proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Foster and unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt. Both came forward and signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk and joined the parish council meeting.

74/24 To consider and approve any adoption and maintenance costs of defibrillators located in the village.

The Chair moved this agenda item forward in case relevant councillors needed to leave the meeting early.

During debate it was advised that there were four defibrillators in the parish; Tumby Woodside under the care of a LIVES guardianship agreement with the parish council since it was donated last year, another at the Primary School that the school maintained, another at the Community Centre and it was requested by Cllr Thomas on behalf of the Trustees if the Parish Council could adopt it and provide ongoing maintenance and care for it including LIVES Guardianship Agreement costing £200 a year and Cllr Thomas would arrange for the fourth defibrillator to be moved from the Bowls Club area to the centre of the village accessible from Main Street to be located at the Royal Oak pub.  The power would be provided by the pub.  He advised that the landlords of the pub property agreed to this.  He requested if the parish council would take the defibrillator on under a LIVES Guardianship Agreement once it was relocated.  It was noted that up to now a staff member of LIVES had carried out all the checks for free but they no longer lived in the village.  The beneficiaries of the defibrillators were the residents of the parish.  It was proposed by Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Foster and unanimously RESOLVED to purchase the LIVES Guardianship Agreement for the Community Centre defibrillator at £200 a year plus supplies.  It was proposed by Cllr Whiley, seconded by Cllr Singer and unanimously RESOLVED that after the moving of the defibrillator to the Royal Oak pub location that the parish council would meet the cost of the £200 a year LIVES Guardianship Agreement and supplies. It was noted that defibrillators saved lives and the parish council had a power to provide them under the Public Health Act 1936, s234.  Residents could only use them if they called 999 as the emergency services would direct a resident to only those defibrillators that were operating and available to use with a code to access the cabinet. Some defibrillators would not be available after previous use, lack of power or supplies were out of date, awaiting checks and restocking. 

75/24. To consider and comment with material considerations on any local planning matters as a statutory consultee and to note decisions made by East Lindsey District Council

S/114/00477/23 - MEMORIAL LAWN, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN, PE22 7RL - Outline erection of 2no. dwellings – Cllr Foster advised that the ELDC Planning Officer said the matter was with Legal Advisors.

S/114/00650/24 - LAND ADJACENT TO CONIFERS, FIELDSIDE, MAREHAM LE FEN - Outline erection of 1no. dwelling – It was noted it had been approved with conditions.

S/114/01238/24 - MILLDALE, CHAPEL LANE, MAREHAM LE FEN, BOSTON, PE22 7PY - Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and erection of a detached garage/workshop.- It was noted that it was approved with conditions.

S/114/01536/24 & S/114/01537/24 - INGLENOOK, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN, BOSTON, PE22 7QJ - Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent - Alterations to existing dwelling which is a listed building to provide a replacement timber workshop (works complete) – the parish council RESOLVED to make ‘No Comment’ and the Clerk should advise the ELDC Planning Officer.

S/114/01809/22 - LAND EAST OF SHERATON, MAIN STREET, MAREHAM LE FEN - Planning Permission - Erection of 27 no. dwellings and construction of a vehicular access – APPEAL LODGED. 

A draft response had been circulated. Proposed by Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Thomas RESOLVED to delegate to the Clerk to complete the draft Parish Council response and to submit it to The Planning Inspectorate by the deadline of 15th November 2024.

76/24.  To consider and approve financial matters

a) To approve expenditure on the payments schedule.

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b) To note the bank statement balances and bank reconciliation.

Parish Council noted Current Account £14,202.70, Deposit Account £24,260.90 balances. 

c) To receive the internal auditor’s report and consider any actions to be taken.

Proposed Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Thomas unanimously RESOLVED to receive and note the internal audit report which had no significant issues identified.

d) To receive and approve adoption of the NJC / NALC pay scales effective 1/4/2024 and apply to salaries.

Proposed Cllr Thomas, seconded Cllr Singer unanimously RESOLVED to adopt and were effective from 1/4/2024 following national approval by NJC employers and trade unions.

e) To appoint the internal auditor 2024-25 financial year.

Proposed Cllr Foster, seconded Cllr Thomas unanimously RESOLVED to appoint the LALC panel auditor for the 2024-25 financial year for an estimated fee of £230.

77/24. a) To consider applications for cemetery memorials.

Memorials in respect of the families Gosling and Scarbro and proposed Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Thomas RESOLVED to approve the designs by William Kent Memorials Ltd.

b) To consider repairs to the Cemetery Building window.

The Clerk reported some vandalism to the Cemetery Building window and maybe some anti-social activity by young people in the cemetery.  Parish Council noted the report and agreed the Clerk was to use delegated authority to sort out the repairs.

77/24. Highways

a) To consider the specification for grass-cutting and maintenance contract for the gathering of tenders.

Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Whiley and unanimously RESOLVED for the Clerk to draw up a specification for two-weekly grass-cutting and include hedge-cutting of the churchyard and cemetery for tenders for the 2025-26 season for three years plus annual extensions not to exceed five years in total.

b) To receive updates, consider and approve spending, training preparation and volunteer co-ordination for Community Speed Watch.

Cllr Singer wanted the CSW scheme to succeed and would seek further local volunteers as the current number of volunteers was too low to be effective. The Clerk reported that the Archer Speed Survey undertaken by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership on Main Street in 2024 would be published on the Parish Council website.

c) To consider LCC Highways faults and issues, consultations, Fix My Street and other highway matters.

No new matters were raised at this meeting.

78/24. To consider potential locations for a Community Orchard and applying for an LCC grant for at least 5 trees.

Cllr Thomas would discuss with the Community Centre Committee to see if they were interested to plant any trees on offer around the Community Centre grounds by the deadline.

79/24.  Training Bookings to be approved.

New Councillors Induction – Cllr Singer 3rd December 2024 and Cllr Whiley 28th January 2025.

80/24. ELDC and LCC councillors invited to make verbal or written reports on local matters.

LCC Cllr Gray had sent his written report.  ELDC Cllr Foster had nothing to report.

81/24. To receive and note correspondence from LALC ENews (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); LCC Town and Parish News and ELDC Town and Parish E-News (monthly); ELDC Messenger; ELDC Media releases; internal auditor’s report; Highway Speed Archer Survey results; letter of introduction from the Horgan Homes developer of St Helen’s Place; Safer Together Newsletter; email from new resident regarding speeds on Main Street, ELDC appointment of new parish councillor-District Cllr Knowles to enable the council to be quorate; LCC Community Orchard grants; East Lindsey Remote Parish Council and Police Engagement Session - 16th January 2024 booking open for one representative; LCC Road closure Order - A155 Main Street (Between Moorside & Watery Lane) Period of restriction: 07/12/2024 - 08/12/2024; Victoria Atkins Community Summit Friday 6th December 2024 Doors open 9am event from 9.30am-12noon Horncastle representatives invited; ICCM Law Commission consultation on Burial and Cremation until 9th January 2025.

The Parish Council noted the above correspondence and Cllr Percival to be nominated to attend the Police Briefing on 16th January 2025 and Cllrs Whiley and Percival to attend the 6th December Community Briefing with Victoria Atkins MP and Clerk to arrange.

82/24. To approve parish council newsletter.

Update on defibrillators to be included. Cllr Singer offered to help deliver when ready.

83/24. To consider appointments to external bodies, groups and to receive reports.            

Cllr Percival advised that the Play Area committee was due to meet on 15th November 2024.

Cllr Thomas advised that there was nothing to report from the Community Centre.

84/24. To receive and consider updates on

a)         the purchase of the 0.22acres cemetery extension.

The Clerk reported that the plot of land to extend the cemetery at the back of the current cemetery was now owned by the Parish Council after at least seven years of trying to proceed and was being registered with the Land Registry.  The Clerk advised that the purchase process and investigation of title to the cemetery land had highlighted that ownership of the various plots of cemetery land first started to be used since 1882 with additional plots purchased in 1920 and 1965 should all be registered with the Land Registry and this would secure title for the future and would incur legal costs and disbursements.  It was proposed by Cllr Percival, seconded Cllr Whiley unanimously RESOLVED to proceed with registering the various plots of cemetery land with the Land Registry.  

b)         Litter-picking – Mareham le Fen Wombles Group.

The Clerk advised that a recent enquiry from a Duke of Edinburgh volunteer litter-picker had not resulted in litter-picking commencing.  The Clerk enquired if the litter-picking equipment could be held in the Community Centre. Cllr Thomas would see what could be arranged in the Community Centre.

c)         Participation in the RHS East Midlands In Bloom ‘Best-Kept Village’ competition and the result and feedback and next steps.

The Clerk brought the Bronze Award 2024 certificate to the meeting. The Judges’ Report was published on the parish council website and posted on the Facebook Page. The school’s Special Judges’ Award was still due to be presented.  Councillors agreed that the Clerk should use delegated powers to obtain photo frames for each certificate and to arrange presentation at the school with the Chair of the Parish Council.  Cllr Thomas will check if the Award can hang in the Community Centre.  

85/24. Date of the next meeting Wednesday 20th November 2024 (and 15th January 2025) and items to be added to the agenda. Moles in cemetery, Speed Indicator Device, draft budget and precept.

Meeting ended 17.43