May 2021 Minutes
A meeting of Mareham le Fen Parish Councillors was held on 18th May 2021
In the Chair: Vice Chairman P Chilvers.
Councillors present:
P Bourn.
R Cox.
P Roberts
C Wentzell.
- Payment of the following was approved: Proposed by Cllr Chilvers seconded by Cllr Bourn, all Cllrs voted in favour.
Zurich Insurance, year ended 31st May 2022. £219.16
David Laurence, garden and maintenance Dec 20-May 2021. £587.25
Mrs S Hendy¸ Clerk’s expenses to 31st May 2021. £117.98
HMRC tax on Clerk’s final salary £100.00
Witham Fourth Drainage rates, year ended 31st March 2022 £61.25
P Kime, clear moles at the Cemetery £80.00
LALC annual sub to 31st May 2022 £264.35
- To discuss planning application S/114/00933/21. Mia Casa, Mareham le Fen. For extension and alteration to dwelling to provide enlarged garden room. Councillors looked at the plans and had no objections to the application.
- To approve minutes of meeting held on 22nd April 2021. It was proposed by Cllr Chilvers, seconded by Cllr Wentzell that these should be approved all in favour.
- The date for holding the APM, AGM and the next ordinary meeting was discussed. Cllrs decided that owing to the unusual situation of the last year they should all be held on the same day. The Clerk will prepare draft agendas. June 16th was suggested.
- Cllr Roberts will take the forms to the bank as soon as possible. The standing order to cancel paid to the Clerk for her salary was signed and Cllr Roberts will take this as well.
- Following the previous meeting a cheque had been paid to Mr Brown for professional services re the purchase of land at the Cemetery. He was asked to provide an itemised bill but had not sent it yet. The Clerk will contact him.
- The Clerk informed the Cllrs that Angela Appleyard had agreed to take over as Clerk when Mrs Hendy finished at the end of May. All important documents will be given to her. There are some items of paperwork that are no longer required, Cllrs suggested that Mr Lawrence should be asked to collect them and store them in the Chapel at the Cemetery and burn them when conditions were suitable.
- Cllrs agreed that the AGAR was correct and this was signed by the Chairman and RFO. It will be sent to the external Auditors.
- Items for next agenda. a) Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman. b) It was suggested that the number of Cllrs required for the Parish Council should be reduced to 7.
- The Clerk will contact Hobsons and ask them to cut the verges in the Village.
The meeting closed at 8.45
The next meeting is yet to be arranged.