Maintenance of ditches, dykes and watercourses in Mareham le Fen

Riparian Rights and Duties
Riparian rights and duties

Owners and occupiers of the land either side of the ditch, dykes and watercourses may have responsibilities to maintain it and keep the water flowing.  

Check your deeds to see if you own it but if it is not specified in the deeds who is the owner of the ditch then it is the joint reponsibility of all occupiers, proprietors and owners either side of the watercourse to maintain it and ensure it remains fit to allow water to flow through it.  

There are other public bodies such as Lincolnshire County Council, the Internal Drainage Boards, and the Environment Agency that may have a role in monitoring and enforcing certain statutory responsibilities to be complied with.

Further information can be found on these websites 


Please notify the Clerk to the parish council if any of these links are not working