Jubilee Committee 2022 - Terms of Reference
Platinum Jubilee Celebration Committee – Terms of Reference
1. Aims of this committee
The purpose of this Committee is to consider how best to mark H.M The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. The Committee will then plan and organise suitable activities. The Committee will liaise with other local groups and organisations to develop a programme of events.
2. Membership
The Committee shall comprise of at least three Parish Councillors appointed by the Parish Council. At the first meeting of the Committee a Chairman and if appropriate a Vice Chairman will be elected by the members (one of these roles must be a parish councillor). The terms of reference will be approved by full Council, but the Committee may review the terms of reference to ensure they remain relevant as the project develops. All Councillors and other members of the committee will receive the agenda and draft minutes for each meeting and they will be published on the parish council’s website.
3. The Committee’s Responsibilities and Powers
The Committee shall have powers delegated by full Council in relation to organising those events and activities approved by full Council to fundraise and approve the activities that are due to take place for the Jubilee commemorations in 2022. The powers will include planning and organising events and agreeing risk assessments.
The Committee has delegated powers to incur expenditure within the relevant Council agreed budget and the Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer will provide advice, administrative support and minute the proceedings of the committee.
The Parish Council may amend the delegation of power to this committee to ensure that all activities remain lawful and financially sound.
4. Quorum
A quorum will be three members of the committee. At least two parish councillors must be present. The number of non-Councillors appointed to the Committee must not exceed 5.
5. Meetings
The Committee will arrange a schedule of meetings necessary to complete its work. Notice of these meetings will be published on the Council website and provision for the public to attend must be made.
Committee Minutes will be an agenda item and presented for noting at the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The Committee may co-opt non-councillors onto the Committee limited to not more than 5 persons.
Only members of the Committee may vote on Committee agenda items.
6. Restrictions
A member of the Committee must make any declarations of interest and withdraw from the room and must not vote on items they may have an interest in. Parish Councillors may seek a dispensation in accordance with Standing Orders if applicable.
The Committee will comply with and have due regard to Council policies and guidance, which include (but are not limited to): - Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Data Protection and Freedom of Information.
The powers of the Parish Council to deliver events for the community are covered in the following; power to facilitate a function, power to facilitate a religious or similar event, power to provide information, power to encourage visitors, power to provide entertainment. (Local Government Act 1972, Ss. 111, 138B, 142, 144, 145.)