April 2019 Minutes


Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 24th April 2019.

Vice Chairman, Mr P Chilvers.


Mr R Cox.
Miss P Fytche.
District Councillor S Avison and County Councillor B Aron

15 members of the public also attended.

The Vice Chairman reminded members of the public that they were not allowed to make comments during the Council meeting.

2829. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies were received from Mr A Hawkes, Mr J Huggins, Miss I McLachlan, Mr A Pinder and Mr C Wentzell who were working and Mrs S Millen, who was ill.

2830. Declaration of interests.

No one had any interests to declare.

2831. Minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2019

The minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2019 had already been circulated to the Parish Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Fytche and seconded by Cllr P Chilvers that the minutes were approved. All voted in favour, they were duly signed by the Vice Chairman.

2832. Matters Arising.

These will be dealt with under the relevant headings.

2833. Correspondence.

A Parishioner had written to the Clerk regarding the unkempt Memorial Lawn and asking if there was anything that the Parish Council could do to improve this. The Clerk had replied, telling the Parishioner that the Memorial Lawn was looked after by the Trustees and advising her to write to the Charity Trustees. The Clerk was asked to send a copy of these letters to the Trustees.

2834. Standing Orders and Outstanding Policies.

It was decided to defer this item until the next meeting.

2835. Planning.

There were no planning items to discuss.

2836. Finance.

The following items were presented for payment:

£21.00 Mareham le Fen Community Centre rent of room 20.03.19

£84.00 Mr D Lawrence grass cutting etc to 29.03.19

£211.20 Mrs S Hendy additional clerk’s salary March.

The Clerk reported that ½ the Precept (£5500) had been received.

It was proposed by Cllr R Cox and seconded by Cllr P Fytche that these were paid, all voted in favour.

2837. Mareham Angels.
Cllr Huggins was unable to attend the meeting so this item will be deferred until the next meeting.

2838. Grass Cutting and Management.

The grass at Revesby Corner has grown very long, Mr Lawrence will be asked to cut it. It was suggested that Mr Lawrence should be asked to cut it on a monthly basis, but it was agreed that further discussion be left until the next meeting. It was also suggested that this area could be concreted and used for parking. Cllr Aron will look at the area in question. should.

2839. Community Centre Trust.

The Hall Management Committee had written to ask if the Parish Council wished to send a representative to their meetings. Cllrs Cox and Chilvers expressed an interest so will contact the Management Committee in person.

2840. Verge cutting.

The only tender that had been received was from R K Hobson & Sons who tendered £190.00 for mowing the verges (on each occasion) and £90 p.a. to mow the borders and cut the hedges on the allotments. It was proposed by Cllr Cox and seconded by Cllr Fytche that this quote was accepted, all agreed.

The Clerk will contact Mr Hobson and ask him to mow the land on the site of the new Cemetery land.

2841. LALC Training Scheme.

It was agreed that this will be deferred until the next meeting.

2842. Repairs to bench, bus shelter and notice boards.

Quotes were received from: -

D Lawrence; for bus shelter repairs £115, Post Office notice board repairs £44.

K Barnard: bus shelter repairs £393, Post Office notice board £96.

P Holderness: Bus shelter repairs £180, to re-new Tumby notice board £250.

Cllrs agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr Lawrence and ask him to repair the notice board at the post office and to contact Mr Holderness and ask him to re-new the Tumby notice board. Proposed by Cllr Chilvers and seconded by Cllr Cox, all in favour.

Cllrs decided to defer the new benches for the bus shelter until the next meeting.

2843. Purchase of land for the Cemetery.

The Clerk had contacted Savills who were dealing with the purchase of the Cemetery land to ask if the landowners had confirmed that the heads of terms could soon be issued. Ms Llorente had phoned the Clerk and said that this item should be discussed at their next meeting.

The farmer, who rented the field in question, told the Parish Council that Ms Llorente had visited him that day and the relevant documents had been signed. The Vice Chairman thanked him for this information.

2844. Election News.

Only 3 applications had been received for Parish Councillors, luckily this will be a quorum so if all 3 Cllrs attend the meeting decisions can be taken. Cllrs can be co-opted to the Council, but this will need to be discussed at the next meeting.

2845. Sending minutes and agendas via email.

The Clerk said that it was expensive to print and deliver the agendas and minutes so suggested that, in future, they could sent via email. It was proposed by Cllr Cox and seconded by Cllr Fytche that this was done, all voted in favour.

2846. Parish matters and items for the next agenda.

It had been reported at a previous meeting that the gates at the Cemetery needed painting. Cllr Chilvers asked if the ironwork on the Chapel could also be painted at the same time. Cllrs agreed and Cllr Chilvers will ask Mr Lawrence to do this.

Cllr Aron said he would investigate to see if he can speed up the repair to the sign post at the bottom of Watery Lane which has deteriorated further since last month’s Highway’s inspection.

The meeting closed at 9 pm.

To do.

Send copy of lawn letter and reply to Graham.

Contact David and ask him to cut the grass at Revesby Corner and ask him to repair the post office notice board.

Write to Hobsons and tell them they’ve got grass cutting contract and ask them to cut the grass in the cemetery plot. ? hedges, ask Malc if this is allowed.

Check with Peter that Mr Holderness is doing new notice board and bus shelter repairs or was David doing bus shelter?