October 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 24th October 2018.
In the Chair Mrs S Millen
Councillors Present:
Mr P Chilvers
Mr R Cox.
Mr A Hawkes.
Miss I McLachlan
Mr A Pinder
County Councillor B Aron (who apologised for arriving late)
9 members of the public also attended.
2734 Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Mr C Wentzell and Miss P Fytche who were working.
2735 Declaration of interests.
There were no interests to declare.
2736. Minutes of the last meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2018 had already been circulated to the Parish Councillors. The minutes were approved, proposed by Cllr P Chilvers and seconded by Cllr R Cox. They were duly signed by the Chairman.
2737 Matters Arising.
Matters arising will be discussed under the relevant headings on the agenda.
2738 Correspondence.
East Lindsey District Council had emailed to notify the Parish Council of the polling stations for the next elections. The polling station in Mareham le Fen will be at the Community Hall, Horncastle Road.
LCC had sent details of winter self-help and mutual aid informing the Parish Council that 2 tonne bags of salt being made available to all Parishes. After discussion the Parish Council decided not to participate in the scheme, there was nowhere to store bags of salt or anyone who could spread it. Alpha Memorials had sent details of a grave memorial which they wished to place on the grave of Josephine Mary Hill, it was a different style so the Clerk had brought the illustrations for the Parish Councillor’s approval. Councillors approved the memorials so the
Clerk will inform the stone masons.
2739 Planning.
S/114/02315/17 for the erection of 32 dwellings on land adjacent to Croeso, Main Street had been given outline planning permission.
S/114/01546/18 for the siting of a storage container for ground keeping equipment at the Community Centre has been granted planning permission with the proviso that the container must be maintained in a dark green colour.
EC/1140757/17 The Trustees of the Community Centre, Horncastle Road had been issued with a breach of condition notice and must remove the 8 lighting columns currently in situ.
2740 Report from the local police officer.
The local PCSO had informed the Clerk that she was no longer working in the Horncastle area. She sent details of the new PCSO’s email address.
2741 Finance.
The following invoices were presented for payment:
D Lawrence £208.50 grass cutting to 27th September 2018.
Mr G W Metcalf £75.00 for the signwriting on the War Memorial
Mrs S E Hendy £151.22 Clerk’s expenses to 30.10.18
It was proposed by Cllr R Cox and seconded by Cllr A Pinder that these were paid. The Clerk informed the Councillors that the second half of the Precept had been received. With the resignation of Cllr Moorhouse another signatory will be required.
2742 Venue for Parish Council meeting 2019.
The Clerk had written to the secretary of the Bowls Club to express the Parish Council’s disappointment at not being able to use their hall in 2018. The reply received said that no decision could be made until after the path had been laid. The Chairman stated that she had heard that the Bowls Club had withdrawn from hiring the pavilion because they wanted to leave the pavilion set up for the carpet bowls that they were now running several days a week. The P C C had been asked if the Vestry would be available for Parish meetings but the reply received said that there was insufficient room in the Vestry and the Church’s insurance would not cover the use of the main body of the Church. The public house at Revesby had also been suggested, the Clerk had contacted LALC to ask if this was allowable and had been told that it was allowed but only if there was nowhere else suitable and the bar was closed. A letter had been received voicing the opinion that some Parishioners were disappointed that the Bowls Club Hall had been used for Parish Council meetings, these Parishioners felt that the Parish Council should use the new Community Centre. The letter was signed by 103 Parishioners. A very heated debate followed. The Chairman proposed that the Community Centre be used for Parish Council meetings in 2019 for a trial period of 6 months, at a cost of £10.50 per hour. This was seconded by Cllr A Hawkes. A vote was taken, 3 Cllrs voted in favour and 3 against. The Chairman used her casting vote and voted in favour of moving meetings to the Community Centre. The proposal was therefore passed. The Clerk was asked to contact the booking clerk at the Community Centre for confirmation of the cost and to give suggested dates for the meetings. The Clerk was also asked to enquire whether or not a discount would be available if a block booking was paid in advance.
2743 War Memorial.
The lettering on the War Memorial had been completed and a local builder had very kindly pointed the base free of charge.
2744 Cemetery.
Savills had not contacted the Parish Council so no information regarding the purchase of land was available.
2745 Ideas to commemorate the end of World War 1
The secretary for the Community centre had replied to the Clerk’s letter offering to maintain the Memorial Lawn. She thanked the Council for their offer but suggested that it would be more appropriate if help could be given the new Memorial Garden at the Community Centre. She informed the Parish Council that Community Centre trustees were doing their best to police the issues of noise control and the hedge around the Hall had been cut.
The secretary said that there had been some delay in receiving the Clerk’s letter so in future correspondence will be sent via email. Cllrs discussed other commemorative ideas, but decided the money would be better spent in having a memorial garden in the new plot at the Cemetery.
2746. Grass Cutting and management.
Cllr Chilvers had spoken to the contactor re the grass cutting and had been informed that the last grass cut would be carried out very soon. When this has been completed the Clerk will be notified and will contact Mr Russel to ask him to empty the bins. This will leave the bins ready for the hedge cuttings. The contractor hoped to get the work completed before Remembrance Sunday. Mr Lawrence had been asked by a Church Warden if the wild area in the Churchyard could be cut. He estimated the cost to be approx. £100. Cllr McLachlan proposed that this work should be carried out, seconded by Cllr Cox, all Cllrs voted in favour. The Chairman had been contacted by visitors to the Cemetery to complain that their ancestors’ memorial stones (positioned at the edge of the Cemetery) were covered in ivy. Cllr Chilvers will ask the contractor if he is able to remove the ivy without damaging the headstones, if not the Parish Council will get specialist help. Cllr Chilvers also reported that the bank on Church Lane needed cutting. It was proposed by Cllr Hawkes and seconded by Cllr Chilvers that this work should be done. 3 Cllrs voted in favour and 2 against. Cllr Chilvers will therefore ask the contractor to carry out this work.
L C C Had sent details of the verge cutting agreement for 2019. The Clerk was asked to send a copy of this to all Cllrs and it will be put on the agenda for next month.
2747 Christmas Lights.
Cllr McLachlan had investigated the purchase of Christmas lights but been unable to find any battery lights which were suitable. It was decided not to proceed with these.
2748 Parish Matters.
Cllr Aron said that the deadline for ordering salt and grit had been extended until the end of November. He also informed the Cllrs that the LCC budget consultation for 2019 was in progress. He had already reported the ongoing problem with the bollards and verge in front of the telephone exchange but will chase it up.
The meeting closed at 8.30.
The next ordinary meeting will be held at the Bowls Club Hall at 7.30 on Wednesday 21st November 2018.